Member’s Directory

Verify the ACfA membership status of a crowdfunding platform, intermediary or service provider by typing the name in the Search bar. Note: “Observer” members are not yet fully compliant with ACfA’s Charter of Good Conduct.


Membership details: ACfA Member 00000020A009

Type of organisation: Equity Crowdfunding

Company headquarters: South Africa

Countries of operation: South Africa


Membership details: ACfA Member 00000020A015

Type of organisation: Debt Crowdfunding 

Company headquarters: Netherlands

Countries of operation: Kenya  Ghana  Ethiopia

Africa Crowdfunding

Membership details: ACfA Member 00000020A016

Type of organisation: Rewards-based, debt-based and agri- crowdfunding

Company headquarters: Cameroon

Countries of operation: Cameroon  Chad  Equatorial Guinea


Membership details: ACfA Observer Member 00000020B009

Type of organisation: Rewards-based crowdfunding

Company headquarters: Nigeria

Countries of operation: Nigeria

Ortus Africa Capital

Membership details: ACfA Member 00000020A020

Type of organisation: Crowdinvestment intermediary

Company headquarters: Uganda

Countries of operation: Uganda

Wengi Equity Crowdfunding

Membership details: ACfA Member 00000020A019

Type of organisation: Equity crowdfunding

Company headquarters: Tanzania

Countries of operation: Tanzania

Tawakul The Crowd

Membership details: ACfA Member 00000020A018

Type of organisation: Donations crowdfunding

Company headquarters: South Africa

Countries of operation: South Africa

AgriBusiness Corner

Membership details: ACfA Observer Member 00000021B012

Type of organisation: Agri crowdfunding

Company headquarters: South Africa

Countries of operation: South Africa

Agri Seed Capital

Membership details: ACfA Member 00000021A025

Type of organisation: Agri crowdfunding

Company headquarters: South Africa

Countries of operation: South Africa


Membership details: ACfA Observer Member 00000021B011

Type of organisation: Real estate crowdfunding

Company headquarters: Mauritius

Countries of operation: South Africa, Global

Koodoo Global

Membership details: ACfA Observer Member 00000021B013

Type of organisation: Equity crowdfunding

Company headquarters: Estonia

Countries of operation: South Africa, Global

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